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Senin, 28 November 2011

Hari Guru khusus Acara di Kelas

Nah, ini pas Hari Guru tapi yang acara di kelas. Kami membuat acara kecil-kecilan untuk merayakan hari guru bersama bapak wali kelas kami.

Ini nih keluarga XI IPA 1 yang bahagia :')

Volley Ball Guru Menjelang Hari Guru

Untuk menjelang perayaan hari guru, diadakan lah pertandingan volli antar guru.
Full Credit DISINI!

Lucu ya kalo guru yang uda tua-tua main bola volli? Hahaha.
Tapi ya begitu lah, demi meramaikan acara hari guru.
Tapi sayang, Papa Rait nggak mau ikut -_-

Banyak loh murid-murid yang jadi suporter di pinggir lapangan, termasuk aku :D


Nah, kali ini minjam data-data SMA Negeri 1 Sibolga.
Ini pas lomba Lotup.
Full Credit

Nah, aku kelompok Paduan Suara. di sini nihhh :D

Ekskul Volly Ball

Hari Sabtu, tapi aku lupa tanggal berapa. Kami ngadain ekskul sore kayak biasa. Tapi kali ini tumben-tumbennya Volley. Baiasanya AEROBIK! Hahaha, senang sih...
Uda gitu, tim putra kami menang lagi :D, walaupun yang putrinya kalah -_-
Beberapa potonya ini...
Full version, DISINI!

Itu yang dipinggir-pinggir kami yang lagi jadi suporter.
"XI IPA 1" sambil joget ala goyang gayung dan Oh! haha :D

Ini aku lagi poto :3
Charming kaaan?

Video MOS

Ini ada video di channel Youtube-ku. Mau lihat? Mau dong :D
Hahaha, ini video pas MOS di SMA Negeri 1 Sibolga, disuruh bikin yel-yel. Nah inilah performnya :)

Minggu, 06 November 2011

Cause I'm Interested in 'MaMiie and Lazgasana' :)

ini note sebenar'a lanjutan dari note "my versi about bad habits MaMiie and Lazgasana" yg baru kelar skrg, hhe
kali ini isi'a ttg smua kebaikan'a kita -versiku-. sebenar'a ga enak ya bcra ttg kebaikan kita? keliatan sprti meninggikan dri sndri. enakan bcrain ttg kburukan ya? kita bisa intropeksi diri (ato emg doyan nghina nih? Hha :D)
emg uda rencana sblum'a sii, pgn ngeluncurin note ttg 'baik-buruk'nya kita. so we will know everything about us

check it out! -->

-Mami (Nomenrita Panjaitan)
sisi baik'a sii bnyk, gmn ga?, buruk'a aja cuma 2 ya mi? :D
tp ga apa, kita list aja sebisa'a trsebutin.
` baiik uda psti, pengertian *mami bisa ngerti dgn jiwa remaja yg labil seumuran Lazgasana*
` pinter d smua bidang, *masa sii?* ;)
iia, aku paling suka dgn pinter'a mami d bidang bio *hrs d tiru*, english *ga tahan aku*, n cara mendidik anak *saluut mi ama ajaran'a ama adek2 d rmh, say no to "main tangan"!*.
pnter nyanyi, kecolongan dngar mami nyanyi d koridor sklah. ya kn mi? gmn dgn lagu 'soledad'nya yg pas ngawas ujian mi? hha:D. masii ingad ga?
` bisa menempatkan diri dgn benar d brbagai kondisi.
aku heran dgn prinsip mami yg gmauk mandang mata org yg baru d knl'a. tkud trhipnotis iia? :p
` ga peliit
malah aku suka dgn prinsip mami yg gmauk mngharapkn pemberian ato hadiah dr org lain.
` brjiwa humor yg tinggiiiii *poin plus nih*
suka aku dgn humor mami yg lucu tp rngan :D. apalagi klo mami uda perang ama abg open, jd ngakak :D
suka juga dgn phrases mami, I.G.G.I, 99 ninety nine, tabak koloor.
` easy going
mngkin krn trbawa jiwa muda ya? ibu2 gaul inih :)).
aneh, mami sllu nganggap dia uda tua, pdhal masii umur hmpiir 38 jugak, kidding mi :D

uda gabisa lagii aku nyebutin'a, trlalu bynk. pkok'a mami jagoo! bisa jadi cerminan org lain
mami jago deh! 4 thumbs-up for you mom. love you mamiie
` org'a unik
suka lompat2 ga jelas
` pnteer mate *matika mksd'a*

-dila (Fadhilah Situmeang)
` maniis *smpe bnyk semud'a*
` pnteer masak *makasii indomie'a ya umi*, pnter menggmbar juga
` mementingkn kpntingan brsama *pas agro, mau bwa bnyk2 barang*

-gez (Greselita Yolanda Junianty Purba)
` maniis, cntiig, rancaak, beautipul
` pande bana
` bisalah d ajak brcanda
malah kdg paling heboh. seriing merengek, pdhal dia sndri yg buad, ckckck :D

-hanna (Hanna Carolina Simangunsong)
` pinteer mate
` pinteer nyanyi
pnter juga nyembunyiin ssuatu, oalaah :o
` gilak *dlm arti yg positif*
mn ada gilag yg positif ya?

-ike (Ike Rahmadani)
` cantik, tnggi, langsing *cocok model susu penggemuk bdan, hha brcanda*
` pandee lah
` pinter olahraga *sainganku ini*
sainganku pulak?! Ckckckc

-juni (Juni Ertania Sari)
` cantik, maniis, beautipul *paling laku, hhe , iri saia*
` org'a terampil
` pnter brpenampilan, rapi

-velin (Leviana Velin Nainggolan)
` baiik kali, sabar *hamba Tuhan sejatii*
aku sering curhat ama dia , dia bisa ksh nasehat.
` pinteer
` polos, lugu, penuh kasih

-aku (Lisandy Yunita Nababan)
punya ku prlu ga sii? :p
ngga kn?

-lysda (Lysda Warni)
` tmn yg baik utk menggosip
saking jabir'a hha
` sederhana, ga neko2
` baiik

-open (Mulia Novendro Damanik)
` pelawaak kali
mampu mengocok peruud
` bisa d andalkan
dlm hal apa ya? gtauk dehh hha:D
` kdg dewasa juga lah

-salbot (Nurullah Salim Piliang)
` pande mate
` pande mengaji
` lucu jugakkk

-poppy (Poppy Julianty Situmorang)
` baik, lugu
` pnter ngerjain
` bisa d andalkan
dlm bidang memutarkan buku, brgaya sok cool. hhahahha:D

-putri (Putri Perdana Sari)
` pelawak lah
saingan c yesii juga
` pnter joget
` easy going, sdrhana

-ranto (Ranto Bangun Nainggolan)
` pinter ngerjain pkrjaan rmh
nmpak kalii ...???
*nampak kali apa'a?
` penuh dgn lelucon konyol
` ganteng *menurut cpa gnteng ini?* hha

-ricky (Ricky Wendi Sihombing)
` kerreee *kurang 'n' nya, jadi? Keren*
` lucuuu
apalagi dgn jerawat'a
` baiiik
nma'a juga ito ku.

-roni (Roni Sumar Said)
` tnggi
` lucu
` agak pndiam
setidak'a bs mengurangi kributan d kls

-yesi (Yesika Tresia Manurung)
` pandeee mtk, nyanyi
` humoriis
` dlm prjlnan mnjdi hamba Tuhan yg sejati sesuai dgn kehendakNya
hhahahha : dasar porlao!

-hanes (Yohanes Martin Hutabarat)
` pande musik
` cool
` gnteng *kta c gez*

smpe situ aja dulu ya, capek ngetiik'a.

you are apart of my life .
I love you just the way you are.
You never be change in my heart.
Love you yaaa

Our Western Name

Ide ini uda lama muncul. Tapi baru tadi teringad di angkot sama aku, Ogek, dan Hanna.Ini tentang nama (red: anakanak sepuluh satu) nginggris kami. Biasalah numpang eksis gitu, supaya agak kerenlah dulu nama kami yang tak seberapa itu aka PH3 ParHutaHutaHian. hahahaha :D

Panoknoti lah dan cermati! Soalnya western name nya itu pronounciation nya, bukan spelling nya. Yak?
Check it out!

1. Abie Amadea Harahap --> Ebay Amedaye Herayhep
2. Adelina Limbong --> Edelayne Laymbong
3. Aldiansyah Putra --> Eldeyansyeh Putrra
4. Asmer Novrianto Situmeang --> Asemer Nouvrayanto Saytumeang
5. Dumaria Sartika Putri Sitinjak --> Dumaraye Sartaike Putray Saitainjek
6. Eunike Sianturi --> Eunayke Sayanturay
7. Fenny Novita Meysabed Sianturi --> Fennay Novayte Meysabed Sayenturay
8. Greselita Yolanda Junianti Purba --> Gerezelayte Yolainde Junayantai Purbe
9. Hanna Carolina Simangunsong --> Ann Carolayne Saimangunsong
10. Ike Rahmadani --> Ayke Rahmadayne
11. Lisandy Yunita Nababan --> Laysanday Yunayte Nebayben
12. Lucia Nia List Etnisia Baene --> Lusaye Naye Laist Etnisaye Beyane
13. Muhammad Fikriansyah --> Muhammed Faikrayansyeh
14. Mulia Novendro Damanik --> Mulaye Novendro Demaynik
15. Nurpadila Siregar --> Nurpedayle Sairegar
16. Nurullah Salim Piliang --> Nurullah Seylaim Pelayeng
17. Ronida Simanjuntak --> Ronayde Saimanjuntak
18. Sri Maini Pardede --> Sray Meyayne Perdayde
19. Yesika Tresia Manurung --> Yesayke Tresaye Menurung
20. Yohanes Martin Hutabarat --> Yohanez Mertain Hutebayret

Hahaha :D nama bulek pun gak gitu.gitu kali ya kan? Lebay kali pun :D~sandy

Koloni Seonggok

Kali ini aku membuat puisi. Walaupun tema puisi ini sangat, amat sangat, luar biasa sangat, sangat sangat ya ampun, SANGAT BIASA! Bahkan mungkin SD udah disuruh buat puisi yang bertemakan hal-hal sederhana yang ada di sekitar kita. Heleeh :-/
Tapi tak apa lah ya, ambil sisi positifnya aja. “Oohhh walaupun si Sandy ini buat puisi yang temanya sederaha, tapi biarlah. Hitung-hitung melatih diri dan mencoba buat berpuisi,” trengtrengtreng kayak gitulah maunya kalian (red:pembaca) tanggapi puisiku yang tak seberapa ini. Atau boleh juga “Ahh, nggak mantap si Sandy ini, bikin puisi yang biasa-biasa aja. Lagian sok-sok buat puisi pulak tuh,” kekekekkek :D. Kembali ke studio, terserah Anda mau pilih mana :p
Naah, jadi yang melatarbelakangi aku buat puisi ini adalah,,,, (treeeeeng, kasih tau nggak ya? ish, lebay hahha) suatu sore nan cerah ketika sang dewa langit mulai memayungi cakrawala dengan rona lembayung yang bersinar kilau berpantul dari pasir-pasir permadani pantai, tapi sayangnya aku lagi nggak di pantai heheh *ga jelas kali, latarnya aja uda kepanjangan, sand! ; kata pembaca*. Uda ahh, pokoknya suatu sore kakakku nyuruh bersihin pekarangan sekaligus sampe selokannya. Ya, begitu! Terinspirasi aja. Blablablablaa... *ntar kepanjangan, malah ntar malas bacanya. Lagian uda pada ngotot nih mata yang baca kakaka* Langsung aja.
Check it out!

Koloni seonggok
Duduk manis merana
Dalam wahana kehidupan air depan rumah
Tanpa riak, tanpa arus
Berteriak dalam ketidakpedulian makhluk berakal
Yang selama ini dipuji sempurna

Koloni seonggok
Tanpa bentuk, antahbarantah
Hanya sekumpulan mereka yang senasib
Bekas sesuatu dari sang tokoh hidup
Menenteng seremah asa akan balada nanti
Terkepung dalam ranah hidup keji

Kolono seonggok
Ingin berteriak menerkam
“Pindahkan aku dari sini!”
“Pindah kemana aku seharusnya berada,”
“Tak ingin kau anggap aku penyusah,”
Atau, boleh kau pergunakan aku,”

Koloni seonggok
Menangis menunggu dalam lara
Malaikat berbaju kuning
Menjemput bersama teman senasib
Menawarkan nirwana penantian
Mengakhiri riwayat hidup kami yang bengis
Koloni seonggok

Bertanya mengapa dan bagaimana
Bahkan si piala adipura
Sekonyong-konyong hanya sebagai topeng
Tameng prestasi dan kekreatifitasan
Bagi insan-insan yang munafik
Koloni seonggok

Tersikut dalam kata-kata mimpi
Kerinduan akan terbitnya dunia abadi
Terkekang dalam larutan riak kehidupan
Menanti sebuah lentera asah
Bersama kepingan rasa kelam gulita

Mohon bimbingannya. Para kalian yang pintar dalam sastra, bantu aku ini. Mananya yang salah? Mananya nggak pas? Ato perlu ada yang diganti, gitu? Soalnya masih amatiran kalo tentang yang kayak beginian.

Eigth Years Ago - Taeteuk version

Eigth Years Ago

By : Lisandy Y Nababan

Everybody around looked like busy at their own this afternoon. But the other hand with a girl who was standing with a big packing under a tree. Seems she didn’t care at all, just seeing the view of around.
The girl with black, wavy, and long hair, white skin like babies’, round beautiful eyes, and an innocent face looked more beauty when the wind was blowing over her hair.
She was Kim Taeyeon, and everybody called her Taeyeon. She was about 17 years old. Taeyeon looked like a rather unfriendly girl. It means she usually talked less with other people, but actually she was a kind girl. However, she couldn’t express her kindness. So everybody thought that she was an arrogant girl.
Taeyeon was waiting for someone to pick her up to her step father’s house. Her mother was a widow, and she has just got married with a kind man. The man had a success wine company in a town not far from Taeyeon’s house. But Taeyeon disagree, because she knew that her mother wanted to be the man’s wife because she was a materialistic woman.
Finally, a boy arrived. The boy was a good-looking one. He had a short wavy hair, white skin, a peacefull face, perfect body, and especially his killing smile. Taeyeon was stunned to looked at him, the boy did either.
On the way, that boy didn’t stop to looked at Taeyeon by the spion-glass in the car’s dashboard. Seems, he was felt in love by the first sigth with Taeyeon. Taeyeon realised that the boy looked at her. It made Taeyeon uncomfortable. So she pretended to go to a toilet, but she ran away. The boy knew it, and he ran after Taeyeon then. But finally, Taeyeon was able catched by the boy.
“Don’t run away! You should meet your parent, although you disagree if they got married,” said the boy and took a long breath. “Do you have some money? It’s so difficult to still alive without any money, right? But maybe it will change if you are in or over twenty years old. Maybe you have a job, so you have some money, and so you can run away. But don’t run away for this time. You are too young,” continued the boy.
Taeyeon didn’t give any respon, she just asked her ownself in her heart. “Why? What’s wrong? I’ve just believed him. Even, if he says that this earth is a square one, maybe I’ll let my heart believe him. I like under his magic. His sense is so strong,”
After they arrived, finally Taeyeon got the boy’s name. He was Park Jungsoo, and everybody there called him just Jungsoo. Jungsoo was about 18 years old. He was one of Taeyeon’s father’s employee. He was very friendly.
Taeyeon had a young sister from her step father, named Jessica. She was a very beautiful girl and friendly. Everybody there loved her, include Taeyeon’s mother. But Taeyeon dislike Jessica, cause her overactive talk and very childish.
In recently days, Taeyeon knew that Jungsoo and Vinessa were a close-friend. Taeyeon was so envy everytime she saw Jungsoo and Jessica both together. Especially, after Taeyeon school at the same school with Jessica, everyday Taeyeon must saw Jungsoo picked Jessica up after school. Yes, she was jealous. Maybe she began fall in love for the first time and maybe by the first sight with Jungsoo.
Actually, Jungsoo didn’t love Jessica, but Jessica did. Jungsoo liked Taeyeon much. Jungsoo saw Taeyeon by inside, that Taeyeon was a goodheart girl, eventhought she couldn’t express. So Jungsoo approached Taeyeon. He always entertained her, when she sad. He always accompany her, when she got disapprove with everything about Jessica and her mother. But sometimes, Taeyeon was unfriendly. He knew her by inside and outside. He knew everything about her. He understand. Their feeling for each other got stronger.
One day, Taeyeon couldn’t find Jungsoo there. Then she asked Jessica, she said that Jungsoo have just gone to a far place to continue his study. Taeyeon cried. She searched him quickly. She searched in their special room -that only they both know it- and to the train station. But she still couldn’t find him. She went to the beach -that they both ever have been there- and cried then. “Why? Why you leave me alone? Leave me without saying goodbye. How? How am I then without you? Can’t you see how much I crazy looking for you? Can you you imagine how much I miss you then?” said Taeyeon stammerly while was crying.
But in fact, Jungsoo has given a letter for Taeyeon to Jessica before he gone, and asked Jessica to gave it to Taeyeon. That letter was about asking Taeyeon to come to the train station for their farewell. But Jessica hasn’t give it to Taeyeon yet. So Taeyeon thought that Jungsoo left her without say goodbye.
Eigth years later...
One day, Jungsoo came back.
“Sist, this is Jungsoo. He come back,” said Jessica happily.
“How do you do,” said Taeyeon to Jungsoo, she couldn’t hide her hate-looking.
“What does it mean ‘how do you do’?” asked Jungsoo. He was so confused and now he also couldn’t hide his hate-looking finally.
Taeyeon didn’t answer. Yes, she hate Jungsoo for his leaving. The same thing with Jungsoo, he thought that Taeyeon didn’t want to come to train station. It caused by Jessica.
There was a new employee in Taeyeon’s father’s company, named ElHeechul. He was a very kind people. And he fell in love with Taeyeon, but Taeyeon didn’t. He knew that Taeyeon loved Jungsoo and Jungsoo loved Taeyeon.
“I often see you cry caused Jungsoo. But you still love him! Look at me! Consider me! I’ll not make you sad,” said Heechul in one night.
Taeyeon give no answer.
“Why? Why do you love him much?” asked Heechul.
“You know? I’m sad when he looks at me, or when he doesn’t look at me. I’m sad when he smiles at me, or when he doesn’t smile at me. I’m sad when he is here around me, or he isn’t. Why I’m so sad? Because I love him so much. Eventhough I love him, but I can do nothing. There is Jessica. But it would be better, I’m sad, than not having him here,” answered Taeyeon and began cried.
Heechul speechless. Now he knew how much Taeyeon loved Jungsoo. And, he gave up for get Taeyeon. Then, Heechul went to met Jungsoo and asked the same question as Taeyeon’s.
“I love her. I don’t understand why she hate me. Yes, I have ever hate her, because she doesn’t want to go to the train station when I’m leaving her in the past time. But I can’t and I don’t wanna let my heart hates the girl I loved since eight years ago,” answered Jungsoo and began cried. “I’d love to look at her face. I’d love to smile at her. You know? I have smiled at her for about a thousand times, but she never replied my smiling. It’s hurt! I always ask myself what’s wrong with me. And I’d love to have a conversation with her. But she rarely respon me. I’d love to do everything with her. I have tried,” he can’t stop his tears. “When I’m not here, everyday is just a nightmare. I can’t see her face with all her expressions. I can’t hear her voice. I miss her. I hope everymorning I wake up and everynight I fall asleep with her presence still. And tenderly telling me not to cry,” he cried.
Everything was going on just as always. Taeyeon and Jessica got a better sister-relation. So Jessica decided to gave Jungsoo’s letter to her. Then Taeyeon read it.
“I don’t think I can go, if I see you. So I’m leaving you without say goodbye. I’m leaving you alone for now, but later I’ll hold your hand and take you to the moon and to the stars,” said Jungsoo in his letter. Tears dropped from Taeyeon’s eyes. She kinda shocked.
“Don’t run away. Don’t go anywhere. Wait for me at home. I’m going to endure thinking that you will waiting for me and I hope that you will endure thinking for my coming back. I like you, Taeyeon. You are the one I like the most in this whole world. If I’m parting with you now for a short time, I want to write you a letter like this, pound your heart. Taeyeon, I’ll pass a bridge, that there’s no way to come back. I don’t want to go. Stop me, Taeyeon! Will you stop me? If you stop me, surely I won’t go,” asked Jungsoo in his letter’s ending.
Taeyeon ran to their special room. She cried there. She couldn’t stop her heavy tearsdrop.
“He said if I stopped him, he would have stopped then. I, I regret have ever hate him! I think he left me. Why and how it can be happen? How, how I tell my heart? He, he is the boy I loved since eight years ago,” said Taeyeon stammerly.
“Why Jessica didn’t give me Jungsoo’s letter?” Taeyeon just asked.
“Taeyeon,” Jungsoo shouted.
Actually, Jungsoo was there without Taeyeon’s knowing. He has just heard all of Taeyeon’s sayings. He began cried.
“Taeyeon. Sorry. I don’t that Jessica didn’t give my letter to you.” Jungsoo said. And then he speechless. But finally he repeated,,
“Taeyeon. I don’t understand why you hate me. Yes, I have ever hate you, because you didn’t go to the train station when I’m leaving you in the past time. But I can’t and I don’t wanna let my heart hate you, the girl I loved since eight years ago. I’d love to look at your face. I’d love to smile at you. You know? I have smiled at you for about a thousand times, but you never replied my smiling. It’a hurt! I always ask myself what’s wrong with me. And I’d love to have a conversation with you. But you rarely respon me. I’d love to do everything with you. I have tried. When I’m not here, everyday is just a nightmare. I can’t see your face with all your expressions. I can’t hear your voice. I miss you. I hope everymorning I wake up and everynight I fall asleep with your presence still. And tenderly telling me not to cry,” continued Jungsoo.
“You know? I’m sad when you look at me, or when you don’t look at me. I’m sad when you smile at me, or when you don’t smile at me. I’m sad when you are here around me, or you aren’t. Why I’m so sad? Because I love you so. Eventhough I love you, but I can do nothing. But it would be better, I’m sad, than not having you here,” Taeyeon said.
“I have waiting for this timing like this for a long time,” said Jungsoo.
“Whenever I would turn my head. There would be you someone I loved since eight years ago, who lift my spirit. I don’t dare to hope for everything. No matter where I went. If you are here with me, that’s enough for me,” Taeyeon ended.
The tears dropped so heavy over their own faces. They cried together and full with Love together.
*adaptedfrom: Cinderella Eonni

Eigth Years Ago

Eigth Years Ago

By : Lisandy Y Nababan

Everybody around looked like busy at their own this afternoon. But the other hand with a girl who was standing with a big packing under a tree. Seems she didn’t care at all, just seeing the view of around.
The girl with black, smooth, and long hair, white skin like babies’, round beautiful eyes, and an innocent face looked more beauty when the wind was blowing over her hair.
She is Enjola Moongyna, and everybody called her Enjola. She is about 17 years old. Enjola looked like a rather unfriendly girl. It means she usually talked less with other people, but actually she was a kind girl. However, she couldn’t express her kindness. So everybody thought that she was an arrogant girl.
Enjola was waiting for someone to pick her up to her step father’s house. Her mother was a widow, and she has just got married with a kind man. The man had a success wine company in a town not far from Enjola’s house. But Enjola disagree, because she knew that her mother wanted to be the man’s wife because she was a materialistic woman.
Finally, a boy arrived. The boy was a good-looking one. He had a short wavy hair, white skin, a peacefull face, perfect body, and especially his killing smile. Enjola was stunned to looked at him, the boy did either.
On the way, that boy didn’t stop to looked at Enjola by the spion-glass in the car’s dashboard. Seems, he was felt in love by the first sigth with Enjola. Enjola realised that the boy looked at her. It made Enjola uncomfortable. So she pretended to go to a toilet, but she ran away. The boy knew it, and he ran after Enjola then. But finally, Enjola was able catched by the boy.
“Don’t run away! You should meet your parent, although you disagree if they got married,” said the boy and took a long breath.
“Do you have some money? It’s so difficult to still alive without any money, right? But maybe it will change if you are in or over twenty years old. Maybe you have a job, so you have some money, and so you can run away. But don’t run away for this time. You are too young,” continued the boy.
Enjola didn’t give any respon, she just asked her ownself in her heart. “Why? What’s wrong? I’ve just believed him. Even, if he says that this earth is a square one, maybe I’ll let my heart believe him. I like under his magic. His sense is so strong,”
After they arrived, finally Enjola got the boy’s name. He was Vangeuno Myson, and everybody there called him just Geno. Geno was about 18 years old. He was one of Enjola’s father’s employee. He was very friendly.
Enjola had a young sister from her step father, named Vinessia. She was a very beautiful girl and friendly. Everybody there loved her, include Enjola’s mother. But Enjola dislike Vinessia, cause her overactive talk and very childish.
In recently days, Enjola knew that Geno and Vinessa were a close-friend. Enjola was so envy everytime she saw Geno and Vinessia both together. Especially, after Enjola school at the same school with Vinessia, everyday Enjola must saw Geno picked Vinessia up after school. Yes, she was jealous. Maybe she began fall in love for the first time and maybe by the first sight with Geno.
Actually, Geno didn’t love Vinessia, but Vinessia did. Geno liked Enjola much. Geno saw Enjola by inside, that Enjola was a goodheart girl, eventhought she couldn’t express. So Geno approached Enjola. He always entertained her, when she sad. He always accompany her, when she got disapprove with everything about Vinessia and her mother. But sometimes, Enjola was unfriendly. He knew her by inside and outside. He knew everything about her. He understand. Their feeling for each other got stronger.
One day, Enjola couldn’t find Geno there. Then she asked Vinessia, she said that Geno have just gone to a far place to continue his study. Enjola cried. She searched him quickly. She searched in their special room -that only they both know it- and to the train station. But she still couldn’t find him. She went to the beach -that they both ever have been there- and cried then. “Why? Why you leave me alone? Leave me without saying goodbye. How? How am I then without you? Can’t you see how much I crazy looking for you? Can you you imagine how much I miss you then?” said Enjola stammerly while was crying.
But in fact, Geno has given a letter for Enjola to Vinessia before he gone, and asked Vinessia to gave it to Enjola. That letter was about asking Enjola to come to the train station for their farewell. But Vinessia hasn’t give it to Enjola yet. So Enjola thought that Geno left her without say goodbye.
Eigth years later...
One day, Geno came back.
“Sist, this is Geno. He come back,” said Vinessia happily.
“How do you do,” said Enjola to Geno, she couldn’t hide her hate-looking.
“What does it mean ‘how do you do’?” asked Geno. He was so confused and now he also couldn’t hide his hate-looking finally.
Enjola didn’t answer. Yes, she hate Geno for his leaving. The same thing with Geno, he thought that Enjola didn’t ant to come to train station. It caused by Vinessia.
There was a new employee in Enjola’s father’s company, named Elvano. He was a very kind people. And he fell in love with Enjola, but Enjola didn’t. He knew that Enjola loved Geno and Geno loved Enjola.
“I often see you cry caused Geno. But you still love him! Look at me! Consider me! I’ll not make you sad,” said Vano in one night.
Enjola give no answer.
“Why? Why do you love him much?” asked Vano.
“You know? I’m sad when he looks at me, or when he doesn’t look at me. I’m sad when he smiles at me, or when he doesn’t smile at me. I’m sad when he is here around me, or he isn’t. Why I’m so sad? Because I love him so much. Eventhough I love him, but I can do nothing. There is Vinessia. But it would be better, I’m sad, than not having him here,” answered Enjola and began cried.
Vano speechless. Now he knew how much Enjola loved Geno. And, he gave up for get Enjola. Then, Vano went to met Geno and asked the same question as Enjola’s.
“I love her. I don’t understand why she hate me. Yes, I have ever hate her, because she doesn’t want to go to the train station when I’m leaving her in the past time. But I can’t and I don’t wanna let my heart hate the girl I loved since eight years ago,” answered Geno and began cried.
“I’d love to look at her face. I’d love to smile at her. You know? I have smiled at her for about a thousand times, but she never replied my smiling. It’a hurt! I always ask myself what’s wrong with me. And I’d love to have a conversation with her. But she rarely respon me. I’d love to do everything with her. I have tried,” he can’t stop his tears.
“When I’m not here, everyday is just a nightmare. I can’t see her face with all her expressions. I can’t hear her voice. I miss her. I hope everymorning I wake up and everynight I fall asleep with her presence still. And tenderly telling me not to cry,” he cried.
Everything was going on just as always. Enjola and Vinessia got a better sister-relation. So Vinessia decided to gave Geno’s letter to her. Then Enjola read it.
“I don’t think I can go, if I see you. So I’m leaving you without say goodbye. I’m leaving you alone for now, but later I’ll hold your hand and take you to the moon and to the stars,” said Geno in his letter. Tears dropped from Enjola’s eyes. She kinda shocked.
“Don’t run away. Don’t go anywhere. Wait for me at home. I’m going to endure thinking that you will waiting for me and I hope that you will endure thinking for my coming back. I like you, Enjola. You are the one I like the most in this whole world. If I’m parting with you now for a short time, I want to write you a letter like this, pound your heart. Enjola, I’ll pass a bridge, that there’s no way to come back. I don’t want to go. Stop me, Enjola! Will you stop me? If you stop me, surely I won’t go,” asked Geno in his letter’s ending.
Enjola ran to their special room. She cried there. She couldn’t stop her heavy tearsdrop.
“He said if I stopped him, he would have stopped then. I, I regret have ever hate him! I think he left me. Why and how it can be happen? How, how I tell my heart? He, he is the boy I loved since eight years ago,” said Enjola stammerly.
“Why Vinessia didn’t give me Geno’s letter?” Enjola just asked.
“Enjola,” Geno shouted.
Actually, Geno was there without Enjola’s knowing. He has just heard all of Enjola’s sayings. He began cried.
“Enjola. Sorry. I don’t that Vinessia didn’t give my letter to you.” Geno said. And then he speechless. But finally he repeated,,
“Enjola. I don’t understand why you hate me. Yes, I have ever hate you, because you didn’t go to the train station when I’m leaving you in the past time. But I can’t and I don’t wanna let my heart hate you, the girl I loved since eight years ago. I’d love to look at your face. I’d love to smile at you. You know? I have smiled at you for about a thousand times, but you never replied my smiling. It’a hurt! I always ask myself what’s wrong with me. And I’d love to have a conversation with you. But you rarely respon me. I’d love to do everything with you. I have tried. When I’m not here, everyday is just a nightmare. I can’t see your face with all your expressions. I can’t hear your voice. I miss you. I hope everymorning I wake up and everynight I fall asleep with your presence still. And tenderly telling me not to cry,” continued Geno.
“You know? I’m sad when you look at me, or when you don’t look at me. I’m sad when you smile at me, or when you don’t smile at me. I’m sad when you are here around me, or you aren’t. Why I’m so sad? Because I love you so. Eventhough I love you, but I can do nothing. But it would be better, I’m sad, than not having you here,” Enjola said.
“I have waiting for this timing like this for a long time,” said Geno.
“Whenever I would turn my head. There would be you someone I loved since eight years ago, who lift my spirit. I don’t dare to hope for everything. No matter where I went. If you are here with me, that’s enough for me,” Enjola ended.
The tears dropped so heavy over their own faces. They cried together and full with Love together.

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